

Michelle Guiliano

Michelle Guiliano began her indexing career (her second career!) in a small town with one general store, one tiny post office, and a parade ground in New Hampshire. It was near this parade ground that a neighbor told her all about indexing when they were volunteering together at a used book sale. Of course, indexers would be destined to meet when surrounded by piles of books! Michelle was intrigued and set off to learn how to become an expert indexer.

Fast forward nine years, Michelle now has her thriving indexing business, Line by Line Indexing. And she has indexed more than one hundred thousand pages! She still lives in the same town, within walking distance of her indexing neighbor. (Hi Christine!!!)  Both her teens are heading off to college. Michelle and her husband will soon be "alone" with two dogs, two cats, a flock of hens, a small herd of horses, and one mini donkey to keep them company.